PHONE: (UK) +44 (0) 203.540.8054 - * SHIPPED FROM THE UK! * Address: 27 Kilbirnie Place - Tradeston Industrial Estate Glasgow, UK G58QR

PHONE: (UK) +44 (0) 203.540.8054 - * SHIPPED FROM THE UK! * Address: 27 Kilbirnie Place - Tradeston Industrial Estate Glasgow, UK G58QR

FAR Strawberry Cupcake 100mL Spray Can 2-Pack

Soft and fluffy vanilla cupcake with pink velvet frosting.
Enticing and tantalizing, this guilt-free treat is a myriad of luxurious vanilla cake layered in swirls of pink icing. Rich in flavor and clouds, this blend is reminiscent of a delightful creamy strawberry cupcake dream.